Pirkkala Solja

The design assignment came to the office through a successful competition result and the aim was to create a relatively low, urban and high-quality residential environment.

The plan combines the strong design language of contemporary architecture, a harmonious but varied brick facade, human scale and creates an urban atmosphere. In the plan the buildings form a diverse complex and the sizes of the apartments vary from both small residential units to family sized apartments. This makes the area socially diverse and architecturally interesting.

Competition proposal

The building has a building right of 3,000 m2. A number of masonry techniques are used in the masonry facades of the building, from local lace masonry details to the brick reliefs surrounding the building.

The atmosphere of a dense urban environment has been created with retracted balconies, different railing themes, attic dwellings on the top floor of the B-staircase and roof windows.